Sunday, September 28, 2014

Lizard Island (8th - 19th September)

Lizard Island is a pretty amazing place to spend a couple of weeks and we can now understand why it is such a popular spot to visit for us boaties!  While Leapy was here we went for at least 2 snorkels per days in beautifully clear water and every time managed to see something new.  The diversity of coral and fish is amazing and the back of the boat is more like an aquarium most of the time with plenty of Bat Fish, GT’s, Reef Sharks and numerous other fish hanging around that we are not able to identify.  We also saw plenty of big fish on the reef – just wish we could work out what they all are – note to self to get a better fish ID chart when we get back home.

Resort - Post 'Ita'
As Ann and Col (Annacol), also fellow Hunter owners, had been waiting on our arrival for some time they had a couple of very nice bottles of bubbly waiting on ice for us so after we had settled into life on LI they had us over for sundowner's one night which was a lot of fun as they are always great to catch up with although I think we were all a little worse for wear the next morning!

During the last few days while Lynda was on board we also got to go for a lovely walk and had a swim at the Blue Lagoon on the SW corner of the island.

Blue Lagoon

A very sad looking Lynda had to fly out on the afternoon of the 11th but was rewarded with a very scenic flight back to Cairns and managed to identify most of our stops on the trip north.  It was a bit like a tag team in the 11th as Wayne and Helen flew in on the same plane that Lynda caught out.

As is normal the first order of business, after dropping their bags at the boat, was to head to the beach for sundowner's with ‘The Mob’ at the so called ‘Table of Knowledge’.  Wayne and Helen were very kind and brought a good supply of fresh food which we very much appreciated as we were just about depleted on any fresh rations.

Local Lizard at LI
On the 12th we headed off to the reef near the boat for their first snorkel which was closely followed by the walk up to Chinaman’s Lookout which was closely followed by a snorkel on the Clam Garden so that night we all slept very well!.  On the Friday we headed off early to do the walk to Cook’s Look.  This is the highest peak on the island at around 350mts and was the place where Cook went in order to try to find a suitable passage out of the reef and luckily he did and it is now aptly named Cooks Passage!   The start of the climb is a bit challenging however, the views from the top where definitely worth the effort.  The afternoon on board was rather quiet with plenty of Nanna naps all around. 

View of Watson's Bay



South & Palfrey Islands

Cairn at Cook's Look


Helen & Wayne - Cook's Look

Again we did plenty of underwater exploring whilst Wayne and Helen were aboard.  Mark also decided it was time to give the bottom of the boat a bit of a tickle before we start heading south and was closely monitored by the usual mob of Bat Fish plus a couple of Black Tip Sharks. 

Wayne and Helen flew out on the afternoon (18th September) after what seemed like a very brief stop at LI.  They had a great time and certainly made the most of their stay spending plenty of time in and under the water as well as exploring the island.  They also had the daily job of filling our water containers from the local well as we are not using any of the ships water at the moment to make sure we have plenty on board for the start of our trip south.  

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